Current Tenant Information







Pay Rent and Submit Online Maintenance Requests Here:


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Rent (Per Lease Agreement):



  • Rent is due between the 1st and 5th day of each month.

  • If rent is paid after the 5th day of the month, a $50 late fee will be incurred along with a $5 per day additional charge for each day after the 5th that rent is not received in the Cobblestone office.

  • If rent is not received by the 7th day of the month, a "3 day notice to pay or surrender possession" will be posted and mailed and a $30 fee will be incurred.

  • If you are having trouble paying rent or need to discuss payment arrangements please call the office immediately and do not wait until after the 5th day of the month.

  • Payment methods allowed: Online through the Appfolio tenant portal, money order, cashier's check and personal checks (unless your account requires certified funds).

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Moving Out & 30 Day Notice:


Before vacating, tenants will need to submit a written 30 day notice form regardless of your lease expiration date, per the lease agreement.  This form can be found here or you may email to get the form emailed to you.  Please refer to the "Term Tenancy", "Termination of Agreement" and "Security Deposit" paragraphs in the lease agreement for more information and what to expect upon move out. 


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Security Deposit Deposition & Refund:


The security deposit deposition will be mailed to your forwarding address within 30 days of Cobblestone receiving all correct house keys and garage remotes in our office.  If there are any discrepancies or questions regarding the deposition, please submit in writing to within 10 days of receiving the deposition.